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Collection: Zonal Pelargoniums

Typically known across the world as the Geranium, Zonal Pelargoniums (Geraniums) were first raised as a crossing of two species P. zonale and P. inquinans. Through centuries of breeding there have been a huge range of different colours and forms developed that mean there is a Zonal Pelargonium for any garden or display - this also means it remains one of the most popular garden plants today. 

Single Zonal Pelargoniums (Geraniums) have five-petalled flowers in a regular pattern of two petals up and three down below.  Double and semi-double Zonals are believed to have developed as sports from early single varieties in France during the late nineteenth century. 

For many years the Zonal Pelargonium (Geranium) has been used as a bedding plant in parks and gardens including the traditional and vibrant red geranium outside Buckingham Palace.