Angel Pelargonium 'Berkswell Lace' from Growing Crazy Pelargonium Collection

Pelargoniums in January: Preparing for a New Growing Season

As the new year is underway we have been busy propagating and potting on many new varieties and old favourites.

The damp weather through the winter has been challenging. Whilst we have been spared being affected by the floods making sure the greenhouses are sufficiently ventilated has been an ongoing battle. Ventilation is essential to help stop damping off and reducing the spread of botrytis.

All of the groups can be affected by botrytis but make sure you keep a closer eye on the Angel Pelargoniums. The density of their leaves means air flow is more restricted and therefore botrytis can can set in easily and faster.

There are many other things you can start doing now to prepare your Pelargoniums for the upcoming growing season.  Here are some of what you need to be thinking about:


  1. Pruning: Make sure you cut back any leggy or damaged growth to encourage healthy, new growth.

  2. Repotting: Repot your indoor Pelargoniums if necessary, making sure to use a fresh potting mix and to provide adequate drainage.

  3. Fertilising: Start fertilizing your Pelargoniums to provide them with the nutrients they need for healthy growth. A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer is ideal.

  4. Pest control: Keep an eye out for pests and treat promptly if necessary. If you are growing indoors or under glass you could look at starting biological control for things like mealybug, whitefly and vine weevil.

  5. Light: Ensure your indoor Pelargoniums receive adequate light, as they will start to grow more actively as the days get longer.

  6. Outdoors: If you have outdoor Pelargoniums, make sure they are protected from frost damage and have enough moisture in the soil. If you are using horticultural fleece it is a good idea to make sure any frost or snow resting on it doesn't stay there fore too long.

By following these tips, you will be helping your Pelargoniums to thrive and bloom beautifully throughout the new growing season.


Happy gardening!


 (Picture is of Angel Pelargonium 'Berkswell Lace')

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